
International Business Platform

PhilippinesPhilippines - Fastest-growing among major economies in Asia


The Philippines has emerged as among the world´s most promising destinations of foreign investments in the next three years, according to the United Nations Conference of Trade and Development (UNCTAD). Our country joined the top 15 destinations,...
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The NetherlandsDutch expertise comes in various shapes and sizes

The Netherlands

The kingdom of ‘The Netherlands’, also known as ‘Holland’ (call us however you want to call us, we’re a tolerant society), is a delta country in Western Europe where over 17 million people speak the‘Dutch’ language. More than one million people...
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Online Lernplattform für Organisationen und EinzelpersonenType: Investment Auswertung: 6-8%, Subject: Education

Online Lernplattform für Organisationen und Einzelpersonen

Professionelle, thematische und berufliche Ausbildung, die kostengünstig, effizient und gut ist. Das ist das Ziel der neuen Online-Plattform im Bereich der Erwachsenenbildung. Es richtet sich an Firmen aus allen Branchen und deren Mitarbeiter....
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Continental Supports Hyperloop Technology as a Logistics Solution of the Future17. září 2018

Continental Supports Hyperloop Technology as a Logistics Solution of the Future

Technology company Continental is actively promoting the future of logistics and is involved in Hyperloop development. Most recently, the Group supported the research work of some talented young people. For the “HyperPodX” project, students of...
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Shell secures exploration acreage offshore Mauritania12. září 2018

Shell secures exploration acreage offshore Mauritania

Shell Exploration and Production Mauritania (C-10) B.V. and Shell Exploration and Production Mauritania (C-19) B.V. (“Shell”) today signed two Production Sharing Contracts with the government of Mauritania for the exploration and potential future...
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Ein überzeugendes Lebensmittel- und GetränkeetikettType: Investment, Evaluation: 6-8%, Subject: Food industry

Ein überzeugendes Lebensmittel- und Getränkeetikett

Die Lebensmittelbranche kann eine der profitabelsten und aufregendsten sein, wenn jedoch die Marke erfolgreich ist. Das einzigartige Konzept einer guten Lebensmittelmarke, die sich auf Getränke, Snacks und in der nächsten Phase auf ausgewählte...
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Siemens wird bis 2030 klimaneutral5. září 2018

Siemens wird bis 2030 klimaneutral

Siemens hatte im September 2015 angekündigt, die CO2-Bilanz seines operativen Geschäfts bis zum Jahr 2020 zu halbieren und bis 2030 klimaneutral zu sein. Um dies zu erreichen, fokussiert sich Siemens auf vier Hebel: Energieeffizienz, dezentrale...
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Lufthansa Group Airlines welcome around 14.2 million passengers on board in July 201824. srpna 2018

Lufthansa Group Airlines welcome around 14.2 million passengers on board in July 2018

In July 2018, the Lufthansa Group airlines welcomed around 14.2 million passengers. This shows an increase of 8.2% compared to the previous year’s month. The available seat kilometers were up 7.0% over the previous year, at the same time, sales...
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Philips and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust team up to deploy innovative digital pathology network19. srpna 2018

Philips and Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust team up to deploy innovative digital pathology network

Royal Philips (NYSE: PHG, AEX: PHIA), a global leader in health technology, and Oxford University Hospitals (OUH) NHS Foundation Trust, today announced plans to create a digital pathology network to help drive faster and more efficient diagnoses...
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IBM, Google Cloud and the open community launch Istio 1.0 to bring microservices to the enterprise15. srpna 2018

IBM, Google Cloud and the open community launch Istio 1.0 to bring microservices to the enterprise

Just over a year ago, we launched the first release of Istio in collaboration with Google Cloud, Lyft and the open community. Since then, Istio has become a popular and active open service mesh project with hundreds of contributors and users from...
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